The Supremely Hypocritical Court ruled against Roe v. Wade
because abortion was not mentioned in the Constitution. Of course airplane travel
was also not mentioned in the Constitution yet we have a Federal Aviation
Authority. The right to bear arms was given to state militia, not to teenagers …
oh, I almost forgot, AR-15s were also not mentioned in the Constitution, nor
was the right to safely attend elementary school without fear of hiding from
weapons of war in the hands of teenagers.
We have lost our democracy to bullies, billionaires, intolerant
and hateful religious groups, far-right-wing anarchists, holier-than-God bigots,
white nationalists, and others comprising a powerful and highly vocal and
volatile minority of citizens. I am guessing that AR-15s are owned mostly by men
and many in Texas where an 18 year old person can purchase multiple AR-15s and
untold boxes of death yielding bullets. According to ownership data, most gun
owners are while, male, and Republican. Let’s simply say that assault rifle owners
are mainly white males. According to medical reports, [most] abortions are
performed on women … of all races and political orientations. If men decide
gun-ownership issues, then women should decide abortion rights issues. Yet,
that is not how democracy in these divided and misguided states works. The supremely
stupid opinion removing the 50 year old Roe v. Wade ruling was made with the
premise that abortion was not mentioned in the Constitution and Roe v. Wade was
dividing Americans, in spite of polling evidence suggesting that the overwhelming
majority of Americans were in favor of keeping Roe v. Wade.
Who is dividing Americans? The gun-righteous fanatics who
want to allow AR-15s in the hands of teenagers? The righteous- religious
fanatics who want to completely ban abortions of all kinds everywhere in
America? One can no longer believe that anyone being nominated to the court
will tell the truth when being vetted by Senators. One can no longer believe
many Senators, although the minority righteous leader does seem to usually tell
the truth even wallowing in his beloved nickname, Moscow Mitch.
I now have tremendous respect for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger
who seem truth-oriented without appealing or yielding to popular far-right
sentiments. And there are hollow regrets at the court’s ruling offered by such
lawmakers as Susan Collins and Joe Manchin and a lame vote by John Roberts not to
over-turn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
Divide and denigrate are the watchwords of the
Trumplicans and the Mitch-McDuckheads … meanwhile Roger Stone and Steve Bannon
and many minor facilitators and shadow boxers it is easy but not best to forget
are tearing down the weak walls of our constitution… the facilitators of the
decline and fall of the American Republic are numerous and unfortunately surprisingly
Well, it should not be a surprise and the regrets will
only accumulate after the lost of a shining city upon a hill. America was not
meant as a citadel for Christians … it was not meant as a citadel for
gun-owners … it was not meant as a citadel for billionaires and bigots, as they
require so much more than a citadel. America is not a shining light for other
nations or societies. New Zealand may be that shining light … or perhaps Norway
where there are so many immigrants wanting to come to American according to #45.
How stupid can some people be???
And there is Lady Liberty with these words welcoming
visitors to our shores:
“Give me
your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the
wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed
to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Those who are destroying
this fragile democracy might propose the following words to replace those
sacred words:
“Give us your rich,
your privileged, your massive egomaniacs yearning for more wealth and power.
Send then to our polluted shores. We lift a lamp beside this golden goose-egg
I know … too much
sarcasm and too little action on my part to help preserve our fragile
democracy. I have donated what I can to a few worthy politicians … mostly democrats
but I will will support Cheney and Kinzinger if they run again. I cannot walk far
due to back pain and no one reads my blog so small donations are about all I
can muster at present. I wish I could do more to repay the education I received
as an Air Force Academy distinguished graduate.
Mike Spector
June 2022