Sunday, March 5, 2023

An open letter to people I love and cherish (i.e., children, grand-children, nephews, cousins, etc.):

 An open letter to people I love and cherish (i.e., children, grand-children, nephews, cousins, etc.):

It has occurred to me that many of you are growing up in a country that is troubled and different from the one in which I was raised. You are blessed with loving families and friends but the world you inhabit is quite troubled … much more so than the one in which I matured so many years ago that was troubled by a war in Vietnam founded on lies and greed … those were troubling times but much much less so than today. I survived my time as an Intelligence Officer in the USAF in spite of my opposition to the war, first working to help others get honorable discharges, and I eventually managed to later work for an Air Force research laboratory and conduct research at my alma mater, the USAF Academy. Ironically, in today’s troubled times, it is quite often military leaders who seem to have the best grip on reality and what is happening around the world.

What is happening around the world? Well, we are systematically destroying the climate, and changes in weather patterns and erosion of glaciers and other phenomena are worrisome and getting worse and more frequent. Animal species are disappearing. Coral reefs are disappearing. Sea levels are rising. Oh well. Change is inevitable, some say.

Is the survival of the human species inevitable? Well, let’s leave this question aside for now. Looking through lists of endangered species, it seems that most are sea creatures or birds. We are killing off what lives in the seas and in the air we breathe. Or is it just humans who are doing the killing?
There is the issue of loss of habitat for some animals … as the ice melts, polar bears are having a harder time and as villages invade forests, animals are losing ground. Still birds and fish among the most endangered. Why is that? Okay … no more salmon or duck for me. Can I survive on kumquats?

There is no doubt that threats to the environment pose many threats to living creatures. Oh yes, then there is that one threatening creature called homo sapiens … not such a wise being after all but he did come after homo erectus … that being who could stand upright and spot prey at a distance. A wise hunter will find prey anywhere and everywhere … that is what we do, is it not?

I almost forgot … I am making these notes for people I love and cherish … my real worry is that many of them will live in a world much different from the one in which I managed to survive and even thrive … there is war and hate and violence all around and people who think those with whom they disagree should be banished from the earth … so much hate and violence all around … I do not think it was so pervasive when I was growing up and chasing butterflies. The advice I have heard others give is to find a little corner or space where there is not so much hate and violence and spend your time loving and cherishing those close to you. But that space is getting smaller and smaller and those you are able to love and cherish are moving on or moving away into their own safe spaces.

What can I possibly say to encourage you to live and love and find as much happiness as you can while doing as little harm to others as possible  … including all those fish and fowl … plant a fig tree and watch it grow … plant a little forgiveness and watch it grow … give a little … take a little less … smile at strangers … talk to those you regard as different or even deplorable … that takes courage … be strong and live long … sing a song along the way.

I am so discouraged by what I see all around the world these days … I am old and tired … but making these notes and thinking about those about whom I care has lightened my load … paraphrasing the last stanza of Bob Dylan’s Frankie Lee and Judas Priest … .

March madness, 2023