Monday, September 16, 2019

Division and Mockery

Whatever happened to unity and respect?

There seem to be deficiencies in those two categories (unity and respect) all around.
There are the extreme rule followers and one-sided leaders in an institution who place obstacles and offer derision and reprimands, rather than asking how to help and promoting the ideas and efforts of others. This lack of unity and respect has a long history.

I recall the bumper sticker that said “America – Love it or Leave it.” I suppose the Divider in Chief (DiC} with the appropriate pronunciation) would send us all back to Africa where the human species might have originated. When several states were suffering the worst Hurricane ever in the Southeast, the DiC is mocking more than half the American voting public, who failed to vote for him. Then, the DIC decided to deny entry into the USA to most of those escaping a sustained hurricane 5 in a nearby peaceful island nation. Division and mockery served up in a cold-hearted stew reminiscent of the incarceration of small children on our Southern border/
So soon has Aretha Franklin’s rendition of Otis Redding’s Respect ( been forgotten. 

Wordsworth was right: “The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers…”

It remains to be seen who will eventually be locked up.
Mike Spector
October 2018

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