Thursday, August 20, 2020

We the people

We be the people … the people of these divided states, with plates of plenty for a select few, 

A select few, who with silver spoons in twisted tongues, separated mothers from their young, 

Young ones, starving at the rivers edge, in order to float across to this land of plenty, 

Plenty for those who have plenty and want to establish plenty more for those select few, 

Who insure domestic inequity, provide for their own defense, promote welfare for the wealthy, 

And secure self-praise and blessings to themselves and their progeny, and a few loyal friends, 

So weep the people … we the people of these united fates of America … the bountiful America. 

A new preamble for #45's new Constitution …. Mike Spector, August, 2020 


20,000 lies and counting - see 

5.5 million cases and counting - see 

952 pagesdocumenting Russian interfence in the election that contnues - see 

Trump's bankruptcies - see 

Times that Trump paid no income tax - see,%2438%20million%20in%20federal%20taxes. 

Improvement in Trump's golf game after almost 300 games since taking office - zero; see 

Numberof people who think Mike Spector's views are garbage - still counting

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