Sunday, January 22, 2023

A violent world


We live in a violent world as the daily news in many places easily documents. In Europe, Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine and mass killings of innocent civilians continues. In the USA, mass shootings of innocent people occur daily and pepper the evening news frequently. One can find examples of people killing other people in every corner of this planet, on every continent and in nearly every country. It is no secret that the human species has a long history of violence against other humans dating back to recorded time and stories of the origin of the species. That tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden turned out to be the tree of knowledge of war and acts of inhumanity.

Our species is now exploring space and the possible existence of civilizations in other parts of the universe. If advance organisms are found, I am curious to learn if they engage in such brutality against others and other members of their own species. Along with Edgar Allen Poe, I wonder if there is balm in Gilead as promised in the Jewish bible (Jeremiah 8:22). The Raven’s answer was “nevermore.” I honestly do not know.

However, the focus on people killing other people overlooks a larger threat to us all. Namely, the environment in which we live and occasionally thrive is deteriorating and threatening us all. Efforts to reduce gun violence and bring peace to our species overlooks the larger problem of our continued existence on this planet.

While I personally detest human violence and would like to see gun violence in my country and the state of Texas greatly reduced, I wonder at our inability to control or influence things within our potential control, such as gun violence and war, and our continued disregard to the environmental factors that influence our very existence. While the climate is at the far extreme of things we can influence, there are some things that could be done but are not even seriously considered. We are fighting the wrong enemy.


Mike Spector, January, 2023

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