There were 21 National Merit Finalists in my high school graduating class … and I was one of those 21. With so many high performing students, there was a real sense of competition to learn and perform among many. I graduated 8th in my class at the Air Force Academy … among more than 500. Again there was a sense of competition to learn and perform and graduate with honors as I managed to do in spite of a challenging second year, broken arm and being friends with some who were expelled. That is why my motto is onward through the fog … stolen from Oat Willie’s in Austin.
Rogers said: “The short memories
of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.”
Mark Twain said: “No amount of evidence will
ever persuade an idiot.”
Albert Einstein said: “Weak people revenge.
Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.” I wish I were intelligent. I think Einstein
also said that only two things were infinite – the universe and human stupidity
and he was not sure about the former.
Mahatma Ghandi said: “There are two days in the
year when we cannot do anything. Yesterday and tomorrow.”
Hillel said: “If I am not for me, who will be?
If I am only for me, what am I? And if not now, when?”
I think I heard someone say that stupidity is
contagious so you should be careful with whom you associate.
Henri Jean Chabrol, director of Madame Bovary, said: “Stupidity is infinitely
more fascinating than intelligence; intelligence has its limits while stupidity
has none.”
I was looking for some deep insights in various
quotations on stupidity. I found little. I simply do not understand how so many
people in this country and elsewhere can have their actions driven by stupidity
and hate. The sages encourage wisdom and religious leaders encourage tolerance
and kindness. Yet I see too little wisdom, tolerance and kindness in my state
and my country ‘tis of the… wealthy and privileged. And, yes, I admit to having
become intolerant of stupidity although I do not see myself as hateful or
unkind. I could be mistaken. I often am.
Like Ferlinghetti, I am waiting … do see Where is that rebirth of wonder???
I am still waiting and wondering if I dare disturb the
universe … so see
... I have disturbed many of my colleagues over the years … I have no sense of
tact … I am like that “pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of
silent seas."
And of course there is Bob Dylan who said:
“Half of the people can be part right all of
the time
Some of the people can be all right part of the time
But all of the people can’t be all right all of the time
I think Abraham Lincoln said that
“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours”
I said that.” (Talking World War III Blues:
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